So today was the day I announced the biggest change to my political ideas since 2005, when I made the switch to liberal from moderate. In the past few months, I've been rethinking a lot of things, and one of them is my political preference. It's gone full circle. Originally when I entered high school I was a Republican, and I supported President Bush in 2004. I supported the War in Iraq. But then high school continued and my political compass swung left. I got my feet wet in the libertarian ideas, which turned out to be not for me. However,As I met new people and discovered new ideas, I became more of a progressive, a liberal. I was a pro-life Democrat. That was the one thing holding me back from being a true Democrat.
Then I reached college, just as my political compass began swinging back to the right. I became more moderate, and chose to identify myself with the Independent side of things. However, I wanted to pick a side. Would I return to my leftist roots or would I continue the swing? The answer came today as I was thinking about politics. Then it just came to me... take a few quizzes and determine where I stand. A few of them showed me as dead center. But as one pointed out, there were just a few issues that polarized me a bit to the right of center. It was official, I picked the conservative side of things, and I even made it Facebook official.
But why the changeover? It's really my opinions on morality in society. You see, I've learned things in college... certain aspects that are abnormal to how society works are just weird. A friend of mine the other week talked about what happened in his sociology class concerning gay marriage. He said it is just weird... you do not see it happening in the animal kingdom do you? Males go for females; females go for males. Also, my position on abortion continues to drive what I do every day. I am extremely pro-life, and that brings me farther to the right than any other issue. Just considering my moral stance on everything shows me as quite the conservative.
So what makes me stay towards the center and away from the very far right of the political spectrum? It's my views on capitalism, rights, and overseas conflicts. All of my positions concerning those areas of politics are moderate.
You might ask if there's anything else that has spurred on this change, and the answer is yes. While I was a Democrat, I supported Barack Obama. But, I continued to keep my mind open and researched other candidates. One of the biggest factors that started me switching to a conservative (again, read: conservative, NOT: Republican), was Mike Huckabee. Huckabee has many good positions, and he's one of the smartest choices for the Presidency. He may not have the best chance at winning, but he'd make a darn good President. Also, after listening to Obama's message of change, it is just that: a message. Just a symbol of change, and not real change. America needs someone who can clean up from the Bush era without being too radical about it. And that means Huckabee or John McCain. And that is what makes me say I am a conservative as of February 25, 2008. Not a Republican, but a conservative.